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Preparing for Winter Driving in the Smoky Mountains

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If you're planning to admire the Smoky Mountains from your cabin, it's important to take precautions to stay safe on the road. These tips will help you stay on the right track during the winter months. Here are some tips to help you drive safely when there's snow and ice.

1. To drive safely in snowy conditions, it's essential to have appropriate tires that are designed for the snow. Many all-season tires claim to be suitable for use in the snow, but it's better to invest in tires that are specifically designed for snowy conditions. To be on the safe side, get them installed before the first snowfall. Snow tires can last for several years since they are only used for a few months.

2. Driving slowly is crucial while driving on snow and ice. Driving slowly gives your tires a chance to grip the surface, which provides some stability. Snow has a small friction coefficient, and it can provide your tires with grip as the snow is compressed into the surface. Driving slowly also gives you more time to react to any unexpected events on the road. Although it may take longer to reach your destination, it's worth it if it means avoiding an accident.

3. It's essential to maintain a safe distance between your car and other vehicles while driving in a snowstorm. Driving at a safe distance is one of the best ways to avoid an accident. When something happens to the car in front of you, you will need plenty of time to stop, and just driving slowly may not be enough. When driving uphill in the snow, maintain a consistent speed and don't go too slow. If you know that the hills are salted by a certain time and your car can handle it, make a calculated decision to get where you need to go.

4. Whenever you adjust your speed, check your rearview mirror. This is especially important when stopping your car. Checking your rearview mirror has other benefits such as making the driver behind you aware that you are about to stop. You can also check to see if the driver behind you is going into a skid. You can move your car slightly more forward to make a collision less likely if it's safe to do so. If possible, steer in one direction or the other to help the driver avoid you.

5. If you go into a skid, there's no need to panic. Steer into it to prevent an accident. Steering into a skid means that if the back of your car is skidding to the right, steer right, and if the back of your car is sliding to the left, steer left. As your front tires turn towards the skid, they compensate for the motion of the rear of your car and help you regain control of your vehicle faster.

6. Finally, don't panic. If you find yourself in a tricky situation while driving in snowy conditions, keeping a cool head can be the difference between getting into an accident or avoiding one. Stay focused, remember these tips, and you will be able to drive safely in snowy conditions.



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